
Albumas "Žiemos pasaka"/ Album "Winter Tale"

Albumas "Žiemos pasaka", kuris tikrai stebuklingas, nes vos tik pridaviau šį darbą, pradėjo snigti visoj Lietuvoj :D Su artėjančiais Naujais Metais jus visus!


It's winter holiday time. When I was making this album, at Christmas, it was dark and wet and gloomy outside. After posting this album on Na- Strychu blog, suddenly the snow started falling and it was white everywhere. A white album like a white winter tale, with snowflakes, forest and deer. I wish you all the best next year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!




DIY: Calendar for 2016

Hello. This is my DT work for Na- Strychu blog and this time I have decided to make my own planner (work book) for 2016 and not to buy any. I have tried to make a perfect  planner for me : favourite colours, wood imitation, small feminine secrets inside.  Look and tell me what you think about it J.

At first I have collected the necessary materials: the notebook, bags which will also be binded together, beautiful paper.

After binding the book, I decorated it with washi tape, die cuts and wooden chipboard. I have cut my „2016“ from the same washi tape and Marianne Design number die.


 I have also  included the bags from „Whiskers Graphics“.

These dividers is decorated with labels.

And this divider has a  bag/ envelope for secret dreams.

One more important thing in my planner – colouring pages. It is important to have meditation and rest  from both  work and  scrapbooking. 

The last page - cover.

I have made one envelope from transparent paper. I like the result very much and I will certainly use this idea in the future.

All you need is an envelope template and a sheet of transparent paper.

It is important to draw only 3 corners, not 4. Draw, cut, fold and decorate.

As a result, you have a transparent elegant envelope. Decorate it the way you like.

Will you buy your planners or will you make your own?


The little prince and the little princess

Ilgą laiką norėjau užsivesti kokią užrašinukę vaikų kalbos perliukams užrašyti, nes viskas gulėjo telefone. Konkursas Scrapogoliki bloge apie motyvacines citatas įkvėpė mane nedelsiant imtis darbo. Dukrytės perliukai + Mažojo princo citatos  - taip gimė šis albumas, į kurį netgi sugebėjau sukišti keletą senų ir tarsi niekam kitam nebetinkamų foto. Vietos dar liko, tereikia palaukti, kol pasipils nauji perliukai :D

I saw a very interesting challenge in Scrapogoliki blog "Motivators". And I could not stop thinking about it. Right now there is the new version of "The Little Prince" on at the cinemas in Lithuania, so the theme of the Little Prince is always on my mind nowadays. The prince and my little daughter - the princess. SO.... I chose the most beautiful and meaningful quotations from the book and used them for my tags. I made 6 tags and I still could not stop thinking about it (LOL) :))

I have always  wanted to make an album/ a notebook/ for my daughters personal/ original speech "pearls" - daily phrases that make me laugh. I have been collecting them on the phone, but it is not the best place for such memories. So I made an album and used the tags, I even managed to use some old photos. And... started writing my daughter's sayings/ phrases from our daily family life.

The tags


The album cover

Some pages

As a result it is quite a thick album and it makes me so happy. I hope
my little princess will be happy too, and she will learn something from the Little Prince.

Thank you for visiting and a big thanks to Scrapogoliki girls - my biggest motivators ;)


December Daily - Part 3. Pages for journaling and photos.

Today I would like to show some pages of my December Daily.  I'm doing this DD together with Scrapogoliki and today is PART 3. 
I used the elements: calendar, kraft, glitter, gold, a list. Part 2 is here

3 этап (10.11-22.11) - тематические странички, фотостранички. Обязательные условия (выбрать по одному из каждой части): раскладушка/календарь/конверт/список/ + шейкер/глиттер/крафт/золото/

I also have some Christmas mail here - elf letters - that I made as DT for Scrappolis blog. They are having a creative challenge called "Office", have a look, maybe you will join them too.

Thanks for stopping by!


Kalėdinis nykštukų paštas/ Elf post box

I have started preparing for Christmas early this year.  2 children and  a part - time job  makes you plan everything carefully, beforehand. I have already started my December Daily and when December comes I will simply enjoy taking photos and writing some journaling, enjoying the Advent time, no need to think about DD itself. In addition, we are going to have ELF POST this year. When a child gets a letter from an elf every morning with some poem, a story or  a task . 
I have made this elf post box for my daughter. And this is my first inspiration work as a new DT for Na- Strychu.  This year she is old enough to get elf letters - 24 letters all in all. It is not difficult to make such a box and you will have a very practical Christmas post box from a box , which can be found in every home in autumn. Please, come to my blog to find out what old box I transformed into this post box.
So, I have used die cuts of different companies and some stamping, embossing, plus a snowflake punch.

Šiais metais Kalėdoms pradėjau ruoštis anksti, nes du vaikas ir darbas verčia viską atidžiai planuoti, jeigu noriu suspėti tinkamai pasiruošti šventėms.  Jau pradėjau gaminti "December Daily" kalendorių, tad gruodžio mėnesį teliks tik fotografuoti ir užrašinėti įspūdžius. Kadangi mano vyresnioji jau paaugo, šiais metais be DD mes taip pat turėsim kalėdinį nykštukų paštą. Pašto idėja - kiekvieną rytą vaikas gauna nykštuko laišką su tam tikra istorija, pamokymu, eilėraščiu ir panašiais. Galima ir maža dovanėlė. 
Įdomu tai, kad šiai pašto dėžei pagaminti aš panaudojau dėžę, kurią greičiausiai turite ir jūs. Apsilankykit mano bloge ir pamatysit, kaip buvo paprasta pakeisti paskirtį ir sukurti tai, ką sukūriau. 

There are more photos of the box (from different sides) in Na Strychu blog here./
Daugiau pašto dėžės foto (iš įvairių pusių) rasite va čia.

This is the box from the apple juice which has been transformed into my new Elf Box./
Štai tokią dėžę nuo obuolių sulčių aš panaudojau pašto dėžės kūrimui.

Tikiuosi ir jūs per Kalėdas pradžiuginsit vaikus panašia idėja.


December Daily 2015 - Part 2 - making dividers.

Today is Part 2 of December Daily project with Scrapogoliki blog. DT members showed amazing and inspiring photos of their work. As I already have the main idea of my DD on my mind, it was not difficult to prepare these dividers. Wood pattern, brown, white and grey are dominating. The alphabet/text/ was cut with Die-namics alphabet die. And I have already decided about the cover of DD. Part 1 is here.

2 этап (27.10-8.11) - определяемся с разделами, делаем разделители.Плюс к заданию выбрать два условия из перечисленных, которые вы будете использовать в разделителях (выбираете одно из первой части, второе - из второй) шейкер / конверт / прозрачная основа / секретик + крафт / ткань / эмбоссинг / штампинг.

Tai jau antras etapas, kurio užduotis -  pagaminti advento kalendoriui skirtukus. Idėją turėjau, priemonių taip pat, va, ko tikrai trūko, tai ramesnio gamybos proceso, nes teko šokinėti nuo kūdikio prie kirtimo mašinėlės. "Tuda, abratno i nazad", kaip pasakytų Maša. Procesas išvargino, bet rezultatas džiugina akį. Kadangi jau ir viršelį turiu, tai stiliaus vientisumą pavyko išlaikyti. Bet... dar laukia puslapių gamyba ir dekoravimas - šičia teks labiau stengtis, kad kakofonijos išvengti, ir žinot ką, labai sunkiai naudojasi "senos" atsargos. Norisi visko naujo, modernaus. Na, pagyvensim, pamatysim. O kaip jūsų kalendoriai? ;)

1 dalis. 

I used 2 elements: envelopes and stamping+ embossing. I glued the envelopes  on the other side of the dividers. In general, envelopes in my DD are not just small decorative elements, they make about 50% (if not more) of my DD, as I'm going to match my DD with "Elf post" - when a child gets a daily letter from an elf every morning 1 -24 December.

Thank you for your comments and your visit, and a big thanks for Scrapogoliki for inspiration and motivation! :)